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How do you start a diesel generator in cold weather?
  2021/07/02| View:536

Small diesel generators are hard to turn on in cold weather. At 0oC, the battery usually provides less than half the current it would at normal temperature. In particularly cold weather, fuel and lubricants can even become sticky or tarnished, which can prevent start-up completely.

So how do you turn on a small diesel generator in cold weather?

Make sure your small diesel generator cylinder block heater is plugged into the working power supply and turned on! When cold weather is on the way, make sure your heater is working properly. If you cannot use the main power supply, consider installing a very small generator to run the integral heater. You don't have to run it all the time, but you need to warm up the generator for a few hours before trying to start it. Always charge the battery to its peak. The easiest way to do this is to connect the battery charger to the supply current, just like using a block heater. Check the generator before starting. This should include a full walking and visual inspection. Look for stains, puddles, and crumbs, or any other sign of malfunction.

small diesel generator

Make sure the exhaust and ventilation system of a small diesel generator is up to standard. Heavy snow can block your generator and prevent it from starting. In this case, you may want to install a snow cover to prevent this from happening and ensure normal ventilation. It may also be worth investing in hydraulic louvers in very cold climates -- these can limit the amount of chilled cold air that enters the device during startup, which can lead to a shutdown. Diesel fuel gels at extremely cold temperatures, and if it does, your generator won't start as quickly. You can also buy fuel that has been treated with anti-gelling agents and anti-microbials.

The above is the small diesel generator in the cold weather need to pay attention to the aspects, hope to help you.

Changzhou haien Electromechanical co., Ltd. se encuentra en la ciudad de changzhou, Provincia de jiangsu, en el este de china, con transporte conveniente. La compañía se especializa en la producción de motores diesel de 9 hp, motores diesel de arranque manual, motores diesel eléctricos de 3 kw, generadores diesel de 10 kw, generadores diesel silenciosos de tres fases, generadores diesel de tres fases abiertos y otros motores diesel. La fábrica xiying fue fundada en 2005 con un capital registrado de 25 millones de yuanes y cubre un área de 7 acres. Nuestra capacidad mensual supera los 6000 juegos, y nuestros productos se han vendido bien en el país y en el extranjero durante muchos años. No hay duda de que hiwin es uno de los fabricantes más influyentes en el campo de los generadores en china.
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