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Dragon Boat Festival Well-being
  2024/06/07| View:134


Promoting Traditional Culture and Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival


Dear Customers, Partners, and Employees,


On this day filled with the essence of traditional culture, the entire staff of Hi-earns extends our sincerest wishes to you! The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On this special occasion, we hope to celebrate together with you and share the joy and blessings of the festival.


Origin and Customs of the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. This festival has a long history and rich cultural significance, originating from the commemoration of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. According to legend, after Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River, local people rowed boats and threw rice dumplings into the river to protect his body from being eaten by fish and shrimp, gradually forming the customs of dragon boat racing and eating rice dumpling.


The main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival include:


Eating rice dumpling: rice dumpling is a traditional food made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, with various fillings. Different regions have their unique flavors, ranging from sweet to savory.


Hanging Mugwort and Calamus: During the Dragon Boat Festival, people hang mugwort and calamus on their doors, believing that this practice can ward off evil spirits and diseases, ensuring peace and safety at home.


Hi-earns's Philosophy and Culture

As a socially responsible enterprise, Hi-earns is committed to preserving and promoting the excellent traditional culture of China. We believe that culture is a vital foundation for the development of a company and a key factor in enhancing employee cohesion and corporate competitiveness. Therefore, we not only pursue excellence in our business development but also focus on building corporate culture and promoting the comprehensive development of our employees.


En este festival especial, esperamos mejorar aún más el sentido de identidad cultural y pertenencia de los empleados profundizando la comprensión y el amor por la cultura tradicional. Además, abogamos por un estilo de vida saludable y verde, alentamos a cada empleado a disfrutar de la belleza de los festivales tradicionales en su tiempo libre y apreciar el profundo encanto de la cultura china.

Sabemos que la confianza y el apoyo de cada cliente y socio son la fuerza impulsora de nuestro progreso. En el futuro, Haynes seguirá adhiriéndose al concepto empresarial de "integridad, innovación y beneficio mutuo", comprometido a proporcionar a los clientes productos y servicios de alta calidad y crear más valor para la sociedad.


¡¡ aquí, les deseamos sinceramente a todos salud y paz en el Festival del Bote del dragón, felicidad familiar y éxito profesional!




Hola, gané.

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