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Development prospect of small diesel engine
  2022/05/17| View:157

The small diesel engine is widely used and is at the core of its industrial chain. In the past decade, the small diesel engine manufacturing industry has formed a series of supporting enterprises. Many small diesel engine enterprises are acting as the final assembler, small diesel engines some key parts, such as crank connecting rod, piston, cylinder liner, Cam, and so on are produced by professional companies. It enables specialized small diesel engine manufacturers to focus on their own advantages, focusing on the design and manufacture of small diesel engines.

In the next few years, with the continuous upgrading of national emission standards, the emission requirements of small diesel engines will be higher and higher. Energy-saving and emission improvement have become the inevitable trend of diesel engine development. Improving the technical level of diesel engines and developing clean and green power will become a director of the diesel engine industry in the future. The diesel generator has made great progress in both domestic and foreign markets, and the application scope of the electric generator has been expanding. Automatic power generation equipment with high reliability, high stability, and continuous operation is needed in many fields. At present, the high-end generators in the domestic market are all imported brands, and the R & D and production of high-end generators with independent intellectual property rights is an inevitable requirement for the development of diesel generators.

Based on the development trend of domestic and international small diesel engines, they are developing towards the direction of large emission, low emission, low fuel consumption, low noise, and environmental protection. In recent years, domestic small diesel engines through improving technology, joint venture production, the introduction of technology, and independent research and development, narrowed the gap with foreign engines.

Changzhou haien Electromechanical co., Ltd. se encuentra en la ciudad de changzhou, Provincia de jiangsu, en el este de china, con transporte conveniente. La compañía se especializa en la producción de motores diesel de 9 hp, motores diesel de arranque manual, motores diesel eléctricos de 3 kw, generadores diesel de 10 kw, generadores diesel silenciosos de tres fases, generadores diesel de tres fases abiertos y otros motores diesel. La fábrica xiying fue fundada en 2005 con un capital registrado de 25 millones de yuanes y cubre un área de 7 acres. Nuestra capacidad mensual supera los 6000 juegos, y nuestros productos se han vendido bien en el país y en el extranjero durante muchos años. No hay duda de que hiwin es uno de los fabricantes más influyentes en el campo de los generadores en china.
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