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v Maintenance method of twin diesel engine radiator:
  2021/01/05| View:585

1. The coolant in the v twin diesel engine radiator in operation is usually very hot and under pressure. When it is not cooling, it is not allowed to arrange the radiator or remove the pipe. When the fan is rotating, do not work on the radiator or open the fan guard.

2. Corrosion is the main cause of radiator failure. Always prevent pipe joints from leaking, and regularly add water from the top of the radiator to exhaust air to keep the system "air-free". v The radiator of a twin diesel engine should not be partially filled with water, as this will accelerate corrosion. For a v twin diesel engine that is not working, all water should be drained or filled. If possible, use distilled water or natural soft water, and add an appropriate amount of rust inhibitor.

v Maintenance method of twin diesel engine radiator:

3. External cleaning: In a dusty or dirty environment, the gap of the v twin diesel engine radiator may be blocked by debris, insects, etc., thereby affecting the efficiency of the radiator. To clean these light deposits regularly, use low-pressure hot water and spray cleaners to spray steam or water from the front of the radiator onto the fan. If you spray from the opposite direction, it will only blow dirt. When using this method, apply cloth to block the v twin diesel engine. If the stubborn deposits cannot be removed by the above method, the radiator can be removed and soaked in hot alkaline water for about 20 minutes, and then rinsed with hot water.

4. Internal cleaning: If you have to flush with water for a period of time due to water leakage at the joints or because the power generation has been running for a period of time without rust remover, the system may be blocked by the scale.

Changzhou haien Electromechanical co., Ltd. se encuentra en la ciudad de changzhou, Provincia de jiangsu, en el este de china, con transporte conveniente. La compañía se especializa en la producción de motores diesel de 9 hp, motores diesel de arranque manual, motores diesel eléctricos de 3 kw, generadores diesel de 10 kw, generadores diesel silenciosos de tres fases, generadores diesel de tres fases abiertos y otros motores diesel. La fábrica xiying fue fundada en 2005 con un capital registrado de 25 millones de yuanes y cubre un área de 7 acres. Nuestra capacidad mensual supera los 6000 juegos, y nuestros productos se han vendido bien en el país y en el extranjero durante muchos años. No hay duda de que hiwin es uno de los fabricantes más influyentes en el campo de los generadores en china.
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