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Maintenance method of high temperature in diesel generator for home use
  2020/12/15| View:573

Diesel generator for home use sometimes has the problem of overheating. How do we maintain this problem? Next, let's learn about it.

1. First check whether the diesel generator for home use leaks, whether there is water shortage in the water tank, and then check the tightness of the fan belt. If the fan belt is not loose, please check whether the angle of the fan blades is installed correctly, whether the fan blades are damaged and whether the water pump is worn or pumping capacity.

2. Check whether the diesel generator for home use is running for a long time at low speed and overload, whether the fuel injection time (or ignition time) is too late, and whether the internal combustion engine fuel injection time (or ignition time) is too long. Later: exhaust noise is loud , The exhaust is black smoke, the machine is weak, and the power is greatly reduced.

Maintenance method of high temperature in diesel generator for home use

3. Check whether the diesel generator for home use thermostat is faulty. This thermostat is characterized in that the temperature of the cooling water inside the internal combustion engine is high, and the temperature of the water inside the radiator is low. At this time, the throttle temperature can be obtained from the internal combustion engine, and then the engine can be started again. If the water temperature of the internal combustion engine is normal, it can be determined that the thermostat is invalid. If the water tank tube is partially blocked, the internal combustion engine water will rise too fast.

4. If there is too much dirt in the cooling water jacket of the radiator or the water distribution pipe does not have water distribution function, touching the cylinder block by hand will cause uneven heating and cooling.

Changzhou haien Electromechanical co., Ltd. se encuentra en la ciudad de changzhou, Provincia de jiangsu, en el este de china, con transporte conveniente. La compañía se especializa en la producción de motores diesel de 9 hp, motores diesel de arranque manual, motores diesel eléctricos de 3 kw, generadores diesel de 10 kw, generadores diesel silenciosos de tres fases, generadores diesel de tres fases abiertos y otros motores diesel. La fábrica xiying fue fundada en 2005 con un capital registrado de 25 millones de yuanes y cubre un área de 7 acres. Nuestra capacidad mensual supera los 6000 juegos, y nuestros productos se han vendido bien en el país y en el extranjero durante muchos años. No hay duda de que hiwin es uno de los fabricantes más influyentes en el campo de los generadores en china.
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